turbulent displace
object, video, installation

The question of the relation: does the person affect the environment or the environment affects the person, or is it a continual interconnectedness? Is there a difference who functions in it? The desire to talk about feelings and emotions in an ever-changing environment and how much of ourselves remains in everyday life, when a virtual or physical space predetermines motions or certain decisions, and the boundaries between them of influence for human, has long disappeared. All of this is just a state of weightlessness, constantly circulating, as if it does not completely break off hallucinations.
For the case, the main performance location of National Art Galery selected and digitally manipulated with the aim of moving the static.
Part of group exhibition in “Galerija Akademija“ „Susitikimas/Enounter“ 15 06 – 13 07 2018 Part of VDA ‘Meno Celės’18’ (an-nual exhibition), “Vilnius Vulture Night’18
turbulent displace, 2018 from Brigita Kas on Vimeo.

Vilnius Academy of Art (LT), 2018